Cherry Blossom Self Portraits at Tom McCall Waterfront Park | Portland, OR


The weather here in Portland has been absolutely beautiful lately🌸🌷so it’s not surprise I wanted to jump on this rare opportunity of non-stop sunshine and take some updated self portraits at Tom McCall Waterfront Park!📸


The Cherry Blossoms here bloom big and vibrant but only for a short period of time *cries a little* but I’m prettyyy sure I took enough shots to last me until this time next year…I also had to laugh at myself while tripping over my own feet…


I believe April is the last month that these beauties will be showing off their big puffy petals so if you’re in the Portland area and itching for some lovely pics with flowers, I highly suggest taking a trip up to Tom McCall Waterfront Park! Maybe bring a blanket and a book too ~


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Dreamy Spring Engagement Session at Tom McCall Waterfront Park | Portland, OR


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